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Dragcave 2020 情人節活動(翻譯進度:未開工)



The day dawns bright and clear. As the dreams spin away, you blink sleepily and flick your tail as you think about rolling over and going back to sleep. Today is an important day, so you really should get up. It's Valentines Day! But the wonderfully soft rug that serves as your bed tempts you, a ball of sparkling, jewel-bright scales, to wait just a little longer...

Get up


Rolling over, you decide to sleep for a few more minutes. You just close your eyes and begin to doze when you hear something rumble in an adjacent room - the click of talons on stone. Then, you hear your mother's voice call your name. With a sigh you lift your reptilian head and sniff as something tickles your snout, considering what you should do.

Snooze more
Get up

>>Snooze more (重複)
>>Get up

Pushing yourself up to your talons, you shake yourself thoroughly, sending your scales rattling. With a last look at your favorite sleeping place, you pad through the stone corridor and out into the rest of the cavern. Your mother greets you with a smile and gestures to a pile of gold and jewels with her tail. She's holding something - a heart-shaped box? - in one paw, and hops over to place it on top of the pile as it sparkles and shimmers in reflected candlelight.

"These chocolates are for your father," she explains, glancing at it meaningfully before giving you a gentle nuzzle. "Don't touch them; we're going to surprise him with them when he gets home. Be a good hatchling!"

You watch her go, her wings half-unfurling as she heads towards the cavern's entrance. Then, you shuffle your claws and glance around.

Back to your room
Explore the main room
Go to the kitchen
Look at chocolates

>>Back to your room

You enter your bedroom. It's much smaller than the main cavern, but the smooth ground and relatively blunt rock formations make it a cozy place to call home. You sleep on a nice rug your mother picked out for you down in the village. It's soft and comfortable with little clouds knitted into the fabric. Sometimes, on cold nights, you roll yourself up in the rug and tuck your snout and tail in before you sleep. Being a hatchling, your worldly possessions are few, but your parents have fashioned an old treasure chest into a toy bin and gave you a piggy bank to save your hard-earned allowance in.

Go to the main room

>>Go to the main room

You enter the main room of your home, where your parents sleep. It's the largest cavern in the cave system, boasting two looming entrances at the cave mouth that make it look like a massive pair of eyes. The sunlight streaming through the entrance draws attention to the glittering mountain of treasure resting in the middle of the cavern. It's horribly impressive, ripe with all sorts of goodies; gold coins, tempting jewels, trinkets, and ancient wooden chests filled with who-knows-what. Maybe it would have been smarter to hide some of the family finances somewhere a little less obvious, like in a basement, or in *your* piggy bank (you certainly wouldn't mind), but your parents have always been traditionalists. If your bed isn't made out of the spoils of your last plunders, if you don't feel precious metals sliding against your scales, are you really dragons?

But all that treasure pales in comparison to the big red and white box sitting at the top of the heap. It calls to you. Tempts you. Taunts you. Surely it couldn't hurt to take a closer look while no one's watching...

Look at chocolates
Go to your room
Go to the kitchen

>>Go to the kitchen

You enter the kitchen and plod over to a low table cut into the stone, where a bowl of hot soup waits for you. A furnace is hollowed out into the far wall, currently occupied by the cauldron that made today's breakfast. You can see the remains of your mother's fiery breath in the orange coals. When you watched your mom cook before, you've seen those same coals become so hot they were red, blue - you swear you've even seen a tinge of green once or twice. Even now, the residual heat from the furnace makes the room warm and toasty.

Go to the main room

>>Look at chocolates

Your eyes flick down the hall to where your mother disappeared, then slowly moved to where the box of candies lay. Glancing back one more time, you quickly sidle up to the pile of gold and peek up at the chocolates sitting in tidy rows just waiting to be eaten. They look absolutely scrumptious! Just looking isn't touching, right...?

Just a nibble

>>Just a nibble

Flaring your little nostrils, you lean forward and sniff at the chocolates, looking them over appreciatively. They look and smell wonderful, and they are so close... Your mother wouldn't notice just one missing, right? One wouldn't be missed. As long as you only ate one.

You reach forward and pluck a chocolate with your talons, plopping it in your muzzle before scurrying away to the opposite wall. It tasted just as good as it smelled! When no angry mother dragon appeared, you move quietly back to where the box of chocolate lay. Maybe one more wouldn't hurt. Or two.

After a few moments of happy munching, you reach into the box for another chocolate and realize - oh no! You've eaten them all!

Hide the evidence

>>Hide the evidence

Oh no, your mother is going to be so angry! Panic makes your scales rattle in a sudden shiver as you fidget, wondering what to do. Scooping up the box and the little wrappers that had separated the wonderful candies, you pause and look around quickly. You need to hide the evidence! But where?!

Under your bed
In the trash
Hide it outside

>>Under your bed

Flicking your tail nervously, you look around as you clutch the heart-shaped box in your talons. Where can you hide it where your parents won't see? Under the gold? Under a rock? Wait! You have a great idea!

Scurrying to your room, you stuff the box under your rug-bed. You look at the heart-box shaped lump and stamp on it a few times for good measure. Nobody will find it there, right? Phew!

Take a breather

>>In the trash

Flicking your tail nervously, you look around as you clutch the heart-shaped box in your talons. Where can you hide it where your parents won't see? Under the gold? Under a rock? Wait! You have a great idea!

It may not be the most original idea, but you hop-trot over to the trash and put the box inside, quickly covering it with more trash so nobody sees. Your parents won't think to look in the trash. Phew!

Take a breather

>>Hide it outside

Flicking your tail nervously, you look around as you clutch the heart-shaped box in your talons. Where can you hide it where your parents won't see? Under the gold? Under a rock? Wait! You have a great idea!

It may not be the most original idea, but you hop-trot over to the trash and put the box inside, quickly covering it with more trash so nobody sees. Your parents won't think to look in the trash. Phew!

Take a breather

>>Take a breather

The sun shines brightly on your scales as you sit down outside to think about how to fix this. You know a new sweet shop opened in the village square, and it wouldn't take long to get there and back. Maybe you can get new chocolates to replace the ones you've eaten?

While you're thinking, your neighbor passes by on the way to his cave. You notice he's holding a heart-shaped box under one wing-arm, a lot like the one you just disposed of. You have another idea...

Go back inside

>>Go back inside

Back in your bedroom, you curl up on your rug and watch the tip of your tail flick back and forth as you think of what to do. You ate your father's Valentines present, a (rather delicious) box of chocolates. If your parents find out, you're going to be in a heap of trouble. And what's worse, they'll be immensely disappointed in you. It was a bad idea all around.

So what should you do? You could go to the sweet shop in town and try to buy a replacement. That's what you should do. But then, lifting your muzzle, you think about the heart-shaped box your neighbor had. If you could get your claws on it...

Shake out your piggy bank
Go to living room

>>Shake out your piggy bank

Rising from your bed, you pad over to stare at your small piggy bank that rests on the flat rock you use as a table. Picking it up in your claws, you shake it.



Back in your bedroom, you curl up on your rug and watch the tip of your tail flick back and forth as you think of what to do. You ate your father's Valentines present, a (rather delicious) box of chocolates. If your parents find out, you're going to be in a heap of trouble. And what's worse, they'll be immensely disappointed in you. It was a bad idea all around.

So what should you do? You could go to the sweet shop in town and try to buy a replacement. That's what you should do. But then, lifting your muzzle, you think about the heart-shaped box your neighbor had. If you could get your claws on it...

Go to living room

>>Go to living room

You enter the main room of your home, where your parents sleep. It's the largest cavern in the cave system, boasting two looming entrances at the cave mouth that make it look like a massive pair of eyes. The sunlight streaming through the entrance draws attention to the glittering mountain of treasure resting in the middle of the cavern. It's horribly impressive, ripe with all sorts of goodies; gold coins, tempting jewels, trinkets, and ancient wooden chests filled with who-knows-what. Maybe it would have been smarter to hide some of the family finances somewhere a little less obvious, like in a basement, or in *your* piggy bank (you certainly wouldn't mind), but your parents have always been traditionalists. If your bed isn't made out of the spoils of your last plunders, if you don't feel precious metals sliding against your scales, are you really dragons?

The empty place atop the pile of treasure where once sat sweets weighs on you ominously.

Go to your room
Go to the kitchen
Sneak out

>>Go to your room

You enter your bedroom. It's much smaller than the main cavern, but the smooth ground and relatively blunt rock formations make it a cozy place to call home. You sleep on a nice rug your mother picked out for you down in the village. It's soft and comfortable with little clouds knitted into the fabric. Sometimes, on cold nights, you roll yourself up in the rug and tuck your snout and tail in before you sleep. Being a hatchling, your worldly possessions are few, but your parents have fashioned an old treasure chest into a toy bin and gave you a piggy bank to save your hard-earned allowance in.

Go to the main room

>>Sneak out

With a sigh, you head outside, tail dragging behind you. Blinking in the sunlight, you look around and consider your options.

You spot your neighbor's cave and your eyes wander around his beautiful, well-kept garden and the sleeping dog curled up amid the flowers and small plants. Sniffing a bit, you smell the fragrance of fresh-blooming roses and... wet dog. Ew.

Shuffling on your paws, you glance over to the path that leads in the direction of the village. Surrounded by towering pine trees, it used to scare you as a tiny hatchling. But you're bigger now. You can handle anything in those woods. Yet, you can't help but think that it might be easier to look for the neighbor's box. What should you do?

Go back inside
Head to Magnanimous' cave
Head down the path

>>Head to Magnanimous' cave

You know, trying to get that box from your neighbor would be so much faster... and would save what little coin you have left. Every dragon's gotta have a hoard, and yours is pitifully small. With this in mind, you look at the yawning cavern you were regarding earlier and glance around to make sure nobody's watching.

Quick as a cat, you sneak over to hide briefly in the garden. Watching the dog warily, you notice he's fast asleep and dreaming, his little hound paws twitching madly. What do dogs dream about, anyway? Wait, you have a job to do!

Just as you're about to sneak into the cave, you catch sight of movement and scramble back to hide in a bush. The dog wakes and wags its tail as a much larger, much older dragon pats it on the head with one gnarled claw as he plods past. The dragon is a Gold named Magnanimous, and you suddenly think it's a very good thing age has dulled his sense of smell and sight. He passes you by, picking up a watering can with one wing and a trowel with the other before heading towards a line of rosebushes. His dog gets up, shakes, and trots inside.

Hmm. Magnanimous is busy. And the dog is harmless, and knows you. You could sneak in...

Sneak inside
Sneak away

>>Sneak inside

The dog, Lancelot, is asleep in his bed, paws twitching in another dog-dream. You freeze, expecting him to wake up; but when he simply utters a huff and goes back to sleep, you breathe a sigh of relief and continue navigating your way through the cave. You almost knock over several small, wooden trinkets with your tail and wince as you scrape along one of the tables. You'd better find that box, before you really make a mess!

Check table
Check cupboards
Check high shelf

>>Check high shelf

Looking around, you spot some high shelves along a far wall, Beneath it is a rather interesting rock formation that the eccentric old dragon must have thought unique enough to keep and not replace with flammable wooden furniture. It is knobbly and wonderfully climbable.

With an appreciative look at the stone, you think it looks like a dragon head. Or maybe a dog's paw. Or a thundercloud?

At any rate, you scramble up on it and get just high enough to look up on the big shelves for the heart-shaped box.

Check cupboards

>>Check table

On the round coffee table, there's a wicker basket you can't quite see into yet. Maybe the box is in there? Glancing back at both the sleeping dog and the still-empty entrance, you creep over and lift yourself to splay your claws on the table, checking to see if the box is there.

Check cupboards
Check high shelf

>>Check cupboards

Sniffing around, you stifle a sneeze and rub your snout. Then, you look up and flick your tail as you regard the cupboards - and how to get up to them. Beneath them there's a counter, a stove... and a tall cabinet.

That cabinet looks quite climbable. There isn't even anything to knock off it!

Trotting over as quietly as you can, you pause and peer at it for a moment before carefully climbing up the wooden structure, opening a door beforehand to give you some clawholds. Scrambling up to the top, you open up a cupboard and peer inside.


You've checked a couple of places, but haven't found that heart-shaped box yet. Argh! Returning to the center of the room, you twitch your tail and look around, somewhat disheartened. Maybe this wasn't the greatest idea after all. As you shuffle your claws and try to think of where to look next,you hear movement behind you and glance over your shoulder.

Oh no. Lancelot is waking up! The dog lifts his head and looks sleepily at you, then yawns widely and stretches. He trots over to you, wagging his tail happily, and you hope to the Guardian of Nature that he won't make a ruckus.

Of course, the Guardian seems to be laughing at you today because Lancelot, in pure happy-dog fashion, gives a big bark in greeting. He's going to give you away!

Offer your breakfast
Pet the dog

>>Pet the dog

Thinking quickly, you reach out and scratch the dog behind the ear like you always do. Lancelot pants and yawns again, gazing adoringly at you for a long moment before settling down. You heave a sigh of relief. That was close!


>>Offer your breakfast

Thinking quickly, you pull out a bit of your breakfast and offer it to the dog, smiling widely. Happily, the dog quiets down and munches on your leftovers and you heave a sigh of relief. That was close!

Keep looking

>>Keep looking

Looking around, you spot some high shelves along a far wall, Beneath it is a rather interesting rock formation that the eccentric old dragon must have thought unique enough to keep and not replace with flammable wooden furniture. It is knobbly and wonderfully climbable.

With an appreciative look at the stone, you think it looks like a dragon head. Or maybe a dog's paw. Or a thundercloud?

At any rate, you scramble up on it and get just high enough to look up on the big shelves for the heart-shaped box.

There it is! As you reach for it, you hesitate and your claws twitch with indecision. Maybe you shouldn't take them. Actually, this is a really bad idea. Stealing is horrible - what were you thinking?



Feeling rather put out, you sigh and begin to make your escape. You have to focus to keep your tail from dragging with the disappointment, and the dread of what may happen when your parents find out you ate all those chocolate. Giving Lancelot a last apologetic look, you head for the cave's entrance.



This just won't do. You have to get rid of this dog, and fast! Baring your little fangs - needle-sharp as they may be - you give your fiercest growl and try to intimidate Lancelot into backing off. All the scales from the top of your head, down your neck, back, and all the way to the end of your tail stand on end. You cut a very scary figure... or at least, you think so.

Apparently Lancelot thinks so, too. He cowers back and whines, tail tucked between his legs. Just when you think he's going to scamper off where he can't give you away, he gives a loud bark in a much different tone than before. Oh, no - Magnanimous heard that one!

You can hear the old dragon's talons clicking as he approaches. That's it. You're caught!



Now, all you have to do is get out of here. However, as you're scurrying around furniture and trying to keep your tail from knocking into anything, you pull up short as a shadow looms in the cave entrance. Fear briefly grips you, but you manage to pull up short and put on your best smile as the gnarled face of Magnanimous the Gold comes into view.

"Oh," he says, blinking down at you. His scales are dusty from working in the garden, and he carries a scent like fresh-picked roses. "Are you here to play with Lancelot? He could use a walk later, if you wish to earn some gold. Would you like a treat, little one?" The old dragon smiles, but all you can think about in that moment is ducking around him and running to hide your embarrassment.

He gets the box of chocolates and opens it, making your eyes go wide. They aren't chocolates at all! They're candied bugs! Ew! He hands you one, pats your head, and you stumble past him with a mumbled thanks.

You could still go down the path and explore town. Perhaps you could find some candy there, or try to buy some with what little gold you have...

Head to town

>>Head to town

You walk onto the dirt path leading from your cave into the forest. The thin evergreen leaves above your head cast a heavy shadow that's broken up here and there by playful beams of sunlight that make your scales shine. At one point, the path splits into two, one leading to the village and one leading deeper into the woods. You pause, curling your tail around your legs as you consider. If you had a bit more time, you'd indulge yourself by going deeper into the forest, batting at the light beams with your foreclaws and kicking up the half-decayed fallen leaves on the forest floor, but you're on a bit of a time crunch... right?

Go back home
To the woods
To the village

>>To the woods

You enter the woods. The clusters of trees become thicker, with more and more that sport bare spindly branches. As you predicted, it's fun to take in the sights and smells of the forest - you step on a pile of leaves, which gives a satisfying crunch.

But soon after you step on the leaves, you hear a high-pitched giggling sound coming from deeper within the forest. Uh oh. You remember that time when your parents told you about a trio of mischievous pygmies that love to play pranks on unsuspecting dragons and humans that go too deep into the forest; tossing old fruit that stains their clothes or scales, using simple magic to daze them and make them lose their way... no, you can't afford to get lost! You have things to do! You hunch down and skitter back the way you came. Luckily, you aren't followed, and the pygmies' sinister giggles fade behind you.

Turn back

>>To the village

You find yourself on the path between the village and your cavern home. It's a slight slope that takes you out of the trees; a little tiring, but it's not a very long walk. When you walk towards the village, you can see the various houses and shops in the distance. Upon getting closer to the village, you spy a couple of cabins resting on the outskirts. They look like they were made by two very different individuals. One has a lush, beautiful yard that shows little signs of the harshness it endured in the winter. It reminds you of your neighbor's. If you squint, you can see several handmade pots resting on its windowsill. The other cabin has a high fence that can still barely contain the creeping ivy, ridiculously tall grass and choking weeds within. You can't imagine what kind of human or dragon would have let their home get into such a state, but you don't think you want to meet them.

Go home
Go to the village square

>>Go to the village square

The houses in the residential part of town, surrounding the village square, are not as interesting or distinct as the ones before. The people, however, are another story. You've only ever gone into town a couple of times with your parents, so you aren't familiar with the villagers. You see a human with a straw hat fixing his fence, a wyvern surveying the road from her roof, a slender dragon with a beautiful mane corralling two hatchlings with a whiplike tail... You wish you could find a place to curl up and watch them all, but you have places to be.

The village square itself is crowded with couples walking hand in hand and the occasional single human or dragon who clearly forgot to buy their love a present and is scrambling to find one. Most of them, you notice, are lining up in front of a shop you never noticed before before today - but one glance through its window shows exactly what they're selling. Jars of colorful spheres and gummies, heart-shaped boxes... it's a sweet shop!

There's also a fountain in the middle of the square, with an old, wrinkled human and a two-headed dragon with dull scales and gray whiskers sitting on the edge and gossiping about the young folk. Near the fountain is the community bulletin board, which is unoccupied.

Go to the village outskirts
Check out the fountain
Check the bulletin board
Go down to the river
Go in the sweet shop

>>Check out the fountain

You approach the fountain. The pleasant sound of trickling water hums against your ears as you draw near, giving you a feeling of calm even in the overly crowded square. The fountain itself is decorated to look like a drake with huge, branched antlers, flaring its wings out above a circle of statuette pygmies around its feet. The pygmies are 'spitting' water from mouth to mouth in a circle while the drake gushes out watery breath into the pool of water below. You suppose it's supposed to look whimsical, but you can't help but think the spitting pygmies are kind of gross, so you pointedly look down at the water instead. Streams of light spiderweb across the reflective bottom of the fountain. After a moment, you realize it's because the sun is shining down on the many, many coins people threw into the water to make wishes and ask for good fortune.

"Hello, little'un! Ran off from your parents, eh?" It seems the old couple noticed you; the human is giving you a kind smile that's almost all gums. You say hello (your parents taught you to mind your manners) and the pair gasps with delight. "Oho, what a darling little thing you are! Here, hatchling. Why don't you have a sweet?"

The two-headed oldster reaches into a dragon-sized purse, and produces one of those pink-wrapped strawberry candies old people always seem to have. You take it and thank them - candy is candy, after all. They titter and coo over you for a couple more minutes before going back to their gossip.

Go back

>>Check the bulletin board

You walk up to the community bulletin board. You have to rear up onto your hind legs, stand on your tippy toes and crane your neck to see everything since it's made for people much bigger than you. There's a calendar someone has been dutifully marking little red X's on to track the passing days and a lot of fliers that look old and weathered. One of them advertises the sweet shop that opened last week - the one you saw everyone lining up for in the square - but none of the others look important right now.

Go back

>>Go down to the river

You walk down a path that leads to the river that borders the village. It’s a peaceful place quite unlike the hustle and bustle of the square, though you see a fair number of picnic blankets on the grassy slope near the water, occupied by couples looking to have a nice Valentine’s Day lunch. A lonely wooden pier juts out from the shore. If it was warmer out, you’d probably see a fisherman trying his luck in the rushing waters, but there’s no one there now.

Go back

>>Go in the sweet shop

The sweep shop is large, brand new, and positively gleaming with mouthwatering treats and candies. Shelves lined with jars of gummies, statues of hard candy, and boxes of chocolate greet your inquisitive eyes as you look them over, trying not to stop and stare. The sign over the door reads "Sweetheart's Candies" with a carved and painted image of a dragon laying on a chocolate heart.

Squeezing into the shop is somewhat difficult as it's quite crowded. Weaving around humans and dragons alike, your eyes are drawn to what you originally came here for - a stack of heart-shaped boxes just like the one your mom had!

Buy chocolates

>>Buy chocolates

Behind the counter is an old Sweetling with ragged feathers and one broken horn. He's a pale pink, slightly faded around his muzzle and paws, with deep magenta accents that seem to shimmer slightly in the light. He greets you warmly, and you flick your tail and murmur a response. Pointing to one of the heart-shaped boxes with one claw, you ask how much it is.

"These chocolates are fifteen gold pieces, youngin'," the shopkeeper responds with a jovial smile. He looks at you expectantly, but your face falls. You only have three gold pieces.

Crestfallen, you shuffle your paws and thank him for his time. The Sweetling frowns and offers you a free sample, gesturing to the shelves with his tufted tail, but asks you to step outside if you aren't buying anything. The store is, after all, very busy.


※ 如果在來之前,沒有去過Magnanimous' cave,則會多下列台詞,並強行讓玩家前往Magnanimous' cave。

You remember the old dragon who lives near you and his heart-shaped box. Perhaps you could go check there...

Head to Magnanimous' cave

>>Sitting outside, you curl your tail around your paws and heave a heavy sigh. Looking up at the sky, you blink away sudden tears as you realize how deep in trouble you're going to be. You feel absolutely terrible - if only you hadn't eaten the chocolates!

What now? Stealing is bad, and you know that. But you don't have any gold to speak of. You need to find a way to make more gold. Somehow. Time is running short, and you need to buy a new chocolate box before your parents get home.

Start next chapter

>>Start next chapter

Tiredly, you return to your room and curl up on your rug-bed to think a while. You feel terrible for trying to steal Magnanimous' heart-shaped box - even though you were absolutely disgusted when you found out they were really just creepy chocolate-covered insects. You can't even imagine your parents' shocked faces if they were presented with that.

Stealing is bad anyways. You would have had to live with that guilt for the rest of your life. You would have been labeled a Bad Hatchling. You might have had your name changed to something awful in shame, or maybe cursed to never grow your wings! You shiver at the thought.

The chocolates at the sweet shop; you could still buy them. But buying things takes gold, and you don't have any. You need to get gold very quickly.

Picking yourself up off of your rug, you shake out your scales and quickly preen before trotting away. You could talk to Magnanimous about walking his dog - he mentioned doing that for gold, right? You could also go to the village and see what money you can scrounge up. Decisions, decisions. What to do first?

Go to your neighbor's
Go to town

>>Go to your neighbor's

You head to Magnanimous' cave and catch sight of the old dragon planting a new shrub on the far side of his garden. Padding up to the old Gold, you give your most winning smile and try not to look as absolutely guilty as you feel. "Oh, hello there," the old dragon rumbles, looking up and blinking at you as you approach. "Did you wish to play with Lancelot?"

"I'd actually like to take him for a walk, if that's okay," you reply, still smiling. The smile feels incredibly fake. Magnanimous, however, doesn't seem to notice or if he does, doesn't seem to mind.

"Of course," he replies easily. You follow the old dragon to the mouth of his cave, and wait outside. You play with a small, round pebble as you wait. After a moment, Magnanimous returns with Lancelot and hands you his leash. The dog seems to be positively vibrating with excitement. "Be careful," the Gold warns. "He's fond of water. Don't take him too close to any or you may come back wet and muddy!"

Leaving the old dragon cheerily waving behind you, you clamp your jaws firmly on the leash and embark on a walk with the goofy, happy, bouncing dog.

Head to town

>>Head to town

You find yourself on the path between the village and your cavern home. It's a slight slope that takes you out of the trees; a little tiring, but it's not a very long walk. When you walk towards the village, you can see the various houses and shops in the distance. Upon getting closer to the village, you spy a couple of cabins resting on the outskirts. They look like they were made by two very different individuals. One has a lush, beautiful yard that shows little signs of the harshness it endured in the winter. It reminds you of your neighbor's. If you squint, you can see several handmade pots resting on its windowsill. The other cabin has a high fence that can still barely contain the creeping ivy, ridiculously tall grass and choking weeds within. You can't imagine what kind of human or dragon would have let their home get into such a state, but you don't think you want to meet them.

Lancelot tugs on the leash in your mouth, making you stumble; and then he gets loose. Oh no! The dog immediately runs over to the nice, lush garden and begins happily rolling around on some flowerbeds. Before you can catch him, he's dug a few not-so-nice looking holes, knocked over some pottery, and even moved some decorative rocks. When you grab the leash again, the dog looks immensely pleased with himself, and very dirty.

Go home
Go to the village square
Return to Magnanimous' cave

>>Go home

You walk onto the dirt path leading from your cave into the forest. The thin evergreen leaves above your head cast a heavy shadow that's broken up here and there by playful beams of sunlight that make your scales shine. At one point, the path splits into two, one leading to the village and one leading deeper into the woods. You pause, curling your tail around your legs as you consider. If you had a bit more time, you'd indulge yourself by going deeper into the forest, batting at the light beams with your foreclaws and kicking up the half-decayed fallen leaves on the forest floor, but you're on a bit of a time crunch... right?

Go back home(沒有新東西)
To the woods(沒有新東西)
To the village

>>To the village

You find yourself on the path between the village and your cavern home. It's a slight slope that takes you out of the trees; a little tiring, but it's not a very long walk. When you walk towards the village, you can see the various houses and shops in the distance. Upon getting closer to the village, you spy a couple of cabins resting on the outskirts. They look like they were made by two very different individuals. One has a lush, beautiful yard that shows little signs of the harshness it endured in the winter. It reminds you of your neighbor's. If you squint, you can see several handmade pots resting on its windowsill. The other cabin has a high fence that can still barely contain the creeping ivy, ridiculously tall grass and choking weeds within. You can't imagine what kind of human or dragon would have let their home get into such a state, but you don't think you want to meet them.

Lancelot tugs on the leash in your mouth, making you stumble; and then he gets loose. Oh no! The dog immediately runs over to the nice, lush garden and begins happily rolling around on some flowerbeds. Before you can catch him, he's dug a few not-so-nice looking holes, knocked over some pottery, and even moved some decorative rocks. When you grab the leash again, the dog looks immensely pleased with himself, and very dirty.

Go home
Go to the village square
Return to Magnanimous' cave

>>Return to Magnanimous' cave

Somewhat dirtier than you left, Lancelot looking entirely pleased (and well covered in mud), you return to your neighbor's cave. Magnanimous looks more amused than upset that his dog has become a living mud pie, and can't seem to stop smiling down at you. But after you hand the dog's leash back, he pats your head with a chuckle and hands you four gold pieces. It was worth it, you suppose.



You walk onto the dirt path leading from your cave into the forest. The thin evergreen leaves above your head cast a heavy shadow that's broken up here and there by playful beams of sunlight that make your scales shine. At one point, the path splits into two, one leading to the village and one leading deeper into the woods. You pause, curling your tail around your legs as you consider. If you had a bit more time, you'd indulge yourself by going deeper into the forest, batting at the light beams with your foreclaws and kicking up the half-decayed fallen leaves on the forest floor, but you're on a bit of a time crunch... right?

Go back home
To the woods
To the village

>>To the village

You find yourself on the path between the village and your cavern home. It's a slight slope that takes you out of the trees; a little tiring, but it's not a very long walk. When you walk towards the village, you can see the various houses and shops in the distance. Upon getting closer to the village, you spy a couple of cabins resting on the outskirts. They look like they were made by two very different individuals. One has a lush, beautiful yard that shows little signs of the harshness it endured in the winter. It reminds you of your neighbor's. If you squint, you can see several handmade pots resting on its windowsill. The other cabin has a high fence that can still barely contain the creeping ivy, ridiculously tall grass and choking weeds within. You can't imagine what kind of human or dragon would have let their home get into such a state, but you don't think you want to meet them.

As you're passing back through the village outskirts, the owner of the nice garden - a scowling, rather angry-looking Lumina - waves you over. "Your dog dug up my garden, I saw you, don't try to deny it!" she snaps. "You'd better fix my garden or I'll tell your parents!"

Fix garden
Go home
Go to the village square

>>Fix garden
As you're passing back through the village outskirts, the owner of the nice garden - a scowling, rather angry-looking Lumina - waves you over. "Your dog dug up my garden, I saw you, don't try to deny it!" she snaps. "You'd better fix my garden or I'll tell your parents!"

With a wince and a sigh, you nod your muzzle and prepare to get even more grit under your scales. This was not what you had in mind.

Fix the plants
Put back the rocks
Pick up pottery
Water the plants

>>Fix the plants

The dog had rolled around on one of the flowerbeds and several plants were looking quite unhappy. Using your claws, you trim off some broken buds and crushed leaves, then rearrange the soil beneath to reform the shallow water-bowls that destructo-dog destroyed. Looking over the plants, you smile - they look much happier now!

Put back the rocks
Pick up pottery
Water the plants

>>Put back the rocks

These rocks are sure pretty! Or rather, they were before Lancelot scattered them. Picking up the smaller ones - round grey stones, all - you arrange them in the line they had been in, a border around one of the flowerbeds.

A few of the larger ones you're able to move with some effort back to where they were, forming decorative corners to the planter in sandy reds veined through with greys and blacks. Lastly, you put back some of the tiny white ones that had been carefully placed around the pretty flowers, giving the ground around them a subtle sparkling beauty.

Pick up pottery
Water the plans

>>Pick up pottery

The dog smashed two pots, and moved another one. With a sigh, you begin picking up the pieces as the irritated Lumina watches with a scowl. You make sure to get every little piece you can find, and plant the two half-smashed young lavenders in two new pots the dragoness provided.

Once that's done, you move the pots back into place and look up at the Lumina hesitantly. She looks a little less angry, so there's that.

Water the plants

>>Water the plants

Picking up the watering can, you fill it up and water the plants Lancelot trudged through. There's lavender and catmint, even some thyme and a couple of daylilies. Once watered, you note with satisfaction that they've perked up a little.

All done

>>All done

The Lumina definitely looks less angry now. In fact, she looks almost pleased. Disappearing back inside her cabin, she reappears with a glass of pink lemonade and hands it to you with a thanks for your work. You sip at it politely before handing the empty glass back and turning around to leave.

Across the street, a small Black Dragon sitting on her porch waves you over; you can see her beyond the open gate. "You did a mighty fine job there," she says pleasantly. You smile tiredly, and all you can think of is how dusty your scales are and the grit underneath. "I'll pay you some gold if you feel like a lil' more gardenin'."

You feel torn between hopelessness and joy. On one hand, you're going to smell like an upended pot yourself when you get home. On the other... gold! Gold wins out. You accept, waving to the Lumina with your tail and heading across the path.

Go pull some weeds
Maybe later

>>Go pull some weeds

As you trot through the gate and look around, you feel your heart sink. The yard is a lot worse than you first thought, and if you have to do all of this... it could take hours. But gold is gold, and you really need to earn some.

Trying not to sigh aloud, you move to the farthest corner of the yard and sit back on your haunches, looking for a place to start. Bindweed had nearly overtaken every inch of this yard, and pulling that is a job in itself. Not to mention cutting the grass underneath.

You start by removing the clinging little vines from the fence, and slowly work your way around the yard that way. There's a pile of weeds that begins to slowly accumulate just outside of the old gate.

Pull weeds

>>Pull weeds

There's more weeds than you thought. You start pulling weeds that don't belong in a lawn out and toss them onto the pile over the fence.

Pull weeds
Give up

>>Give up

You find yourself on the path between the village and your cavern home. It's a slight slope that takes you out of the trees; a little tiring, but it's not a very long walk. When you walk towards the village, you can see the various houses and shops in the distance. Upon getting closer to the village, you spy a couple of cabins resting on the outskirts. They look like they were made by two very different individuals. One has a lush, beautiful yard that shows little signs of the harshness it endured in the winter. It reminds you of your neighbor's. If you squint, you can see several handmade pots resting on its windowsill. The other cabin has a high fence that can still barely contain the creeping ivy, ridiculously tall grass and choking weeds within. You can't imagine what kind of human or dragon would have let their home get into such a state, but you don't think you want to meet them.

Continue pulling weeds
Go home
Go to the village square

>>Pull weeds

There's so many weeds. It's thick as a jungle in here. You're not sure you're making a dent.

Pull weeds
Give up

>>Pull weeds

How many weeds are there?! You're still trying to pull them out of the lawn. Bindweed, spurge, dandelions, clover, you find it all. You even pricked the soft pads of one of your paws on a thistle hiding in there.

Pull weeds
Give up

>>Pull weeds

Tired now, you pause and scratch behind one horn with a hind claw before looking around. You're surprised to see that the yard isn't actually looking half bad; you have the majority of the weeds pulled, and as you've been going along, you've snipped a lot of the grass decently even with your claws. Pleased, you continue.

Pull weeds
Give up

>>Pull weeds

At last! The weeds are eradicated, and the mountain of wilting plants stands as a trophy of your accomplishments. You may smell like a jungle plant and are probably stained green from snout to tail-tip, but hopefully the reward will be worth it. Looking over what you've done sure is.



The Black dragoness smiles as she looks over your work, and you flick your tail in triumph. "This is the best this yard's looked in years," she says, patting you on the head. "And you got it all done! Color me impressed." Then, she hands you eight gold pieces. Eight! Eight bright and shiny coins. This will go a long way to buying a box of new chocolates!

Running all of those errands was exhausting, but your pouchful of gold pieces show the fruits of your labors. You finally have enough to buy that box of chocolates! Quick - to the sweet shop!



You find yourself on the path between the village and your cavern home. It's a slight slope that takes you out of the trees; a little tiring, but it's not a very long walk. When you walk towards the village, you can see various houses and shops in the distance. Upon getting closer to the village, you spy a couple of cabins resting on the outskirts. One of the cabins has a lush, beautiful yard that shows little signs of the harshness it endured in the winter. It reminds you of your neighbor's. If you squint, you can see several handmade pots resting on its windowsill. The other cabin has a garden you worked on, and it brings a smile of pride to your muzzle. It has a high fence that used to be covered in creeping ivy, and a well-trimmed, tidy lawn.

Go home
Go to the village square

>>Go to the village square

The houses in the residential part of town, surrounding the village square, are not as interesting or distinct as the ones before. The people, however, are another story. You've only ever gone into town a couple of times with your parents, so you aren't familiar with the villagers. You see a human with a straw hat fixing his fence, a wyvern surveying the road from her roof, a slender dragon with a beautiful mane corralling two hatchlings with a whiplike tail... You wish you could find a place to curl up and watch them all, but you have places to be.

The village square itself is crowded with couples walking hand in hand and the occasional single human or dragon who clearly forgot to buy their love a present and is scrambling to find one. Most of them, you notice, are lining up in front of a shop you never noticed before before today - but one glance through its window shows exactly what they're selling. Jars of colorful spheres and gummies, heart-shaped boxes... it's a sweet shop!

There's also a fountain in the middle of the square, with an old, wrinkled human and a two-headed dragon with dull scales and gray whiskers sitting on the edge and gossiping about the young folk. Near the fountain is the community bulletin board, which is unoccupied.

Go to the village outskirts
Check out the fountain
Check the bulletin board
Go down to the river
Go in the sweet shop

>>Check out the fountain

You approach the fountain. The pleasant sound of trickling water hums against your ears as you draw near, giving you a feeling of calm even in the overly crowded square. The fountain itself is decorated to look like a drake with huge, branched antlers, flaring its wings out above a circle of statuette pygmies around its feet. The pygmies are 'spitting' water from mouth to mouth in a circle while the drake gushes out watery breath into the pool of water below. You suppose it's supposed to look whimsical, but you can't help but think the spitting pygmies are kind of gross, so you pointedly look down at the water instead. Streams of light spiderweb across the reflective bottom of the fountain. After a moment, you realize it's because the sun is shining down on the many, many coins people threw into the water to make wishes and ask for good fortune.

"Hello, little'un! Ran off from your parents, eh?" It seems the old couple noticed you; the human is giving you a kind smile that's almost all gums. You say hello (your parents taught you to mind your manners) and the pair gasps with delight. "Oho, what a darling little thing you are! Here, hatchling. Why don't you have a sweet?"

The two-headed oldster reaches into a dragon-sized purse, and produces one of those pink-wrapped strawberry candies old people always seem to have. You take it and thank them - candy is candy, after all. They titter and coo over you for a couple more minutes before going back to their gossip.

Go back
Take coins

>>Take coins

The coins at the bottom of the fountain are absolutely mesmerizing. Beyond your wide-eyed reflection staring back at you, the glint of gold seems so very close indeed. What could you do with all of that money? You could buy a hundred heart-shaped boxes. You could buy the entire sweet shop! You don't need that much, though.

Not really thinking about it, you scramble up onto the fountain's edge and plop yourself in the water. It's cold against your scales, and you quickly take a breath and dive for the bottom. Grabbing a couple of clawfulls worth of coin, as much as you can carry, you figure you must have at least double the amount the shopkeeper wanted - maybe even 35! That happy thought in mind, you turn and push off towards the surface of the pool and break through with a great splash and gasp. Unfortunately for you, your display captures the attention of the elderly couple nearby.

The human seems distraught; the two-headed dragon grumpy. "Why I never," said the right head, sniffing disdainfully at you. "That's stealing the luck of others; you're going to cause broken backs and horn-rot for weeks! Put those back!"

"Superstition aside," the other one said in a low drawl, "you could be arrested for theft and put in the slammer. You wouldn't want that, would you?"

Stealing. There's that word again. Guiltily, you let the coins slide from your claws and watch them sink back to the bottom of the fountain pool. Without saying a word, you crawl up onto the side of the fountain, shake yourself thoroughly of water, and scurry away before anyone can yell at you again.

That worked out well. Whoops.



You approach the fountain. The pleasant sound of trickling water hums against your ears as you draw near, giving you a feeling of calm even in the overly crowded square. The fountain itself is decorated to look like a drake with huge, branched antlers, flaring its wings out above a circle of statuette pygmies around its feet. The pygmies are 'spitting' water from mouth to mouth in a circle while the drake gushes out watery breath into the pool of water below. You suppose it's supposed to look whimsical, but you can't help but think the spitting pygmies are kind of gross, so you pointedly look down at the water instead. Streams of light spiderweb across the reflective bottom of the fountain. After a moment, you realize it's because the sun is shining down on the many, many coins people threw into the water to make wishes and ask for good fortune.

"Hello, little'un! Ran off from your parents, eh?" It seems the old couple noticed you; the human is giving you a kind smile that's almost all gums. You say hello (your parents taught you to mind your manners) and the pair gasps with delight. "Oho, what a darling little thing you are! Here, hatchling. Why don't you have a sweet?"

The two-headed oldster reaches into a dragon-sized purse, and produces one of those pink-wrapped strawberry candies old people always seem to have. You take it and thank them - candy is candy, after all. They titter and coo over you for a couple more minutes before going back to their gossip.

Go back

>>Check the bulletin board

You walk up to the community bulletin board. You have to rear up onto your hind legs, stand on your tippy toes and crane your neck to see everything since it's made for people much bigger than you. There's a calendar someone has been dutifully marking little red X's on to track the passing days and a lot of fliers that look old and weathered. One of them advertises the sweet shop that opened last week - the one you saw everyone lining up for in the square. A new flier that you don't think was there earlier catches your eye.

Go back
Check bulletin board

>>Check bulletin board

But wait! Upon closer examination, you see a "LOST" flier that looks quite new. You squint at the squiggly, loopy handwriting that adults like to use, and eventually determine that it says:

"LOST: My beloved little kitten, Sprinkles. Last seen chasing butterflies in the garden. REWARD: 10 gold pieces."

Aha! Now that seems worth your while. After a few unsuccessful hops, you manage to grab the top of the flier and pluck it off of the bulletin board. You'll need the printed address for later - after you've caught the cat.

Start searching

>>Start searching

The houses in the residential part of town, surrounding the village square, are not as interesting or distinct as the ones before. The people, however, are another story. You've only ever gone into town a couple of times with your parents, so you aren't familiar with the villagers. You see a human with a straw hat fixing his fence, a wyvern surveying the road from her roof, a slender dragon with a beautiful mane corralling two hatchlings with a whiplike tail... You wish you could find a place to curl up and watch them all, but you have places to be.

The village square itself is crowded with couples walking hand in hand and the occasional single human or dragon who clearly forgot to buy their love a present and is scrambling to find one. Most of them, you notice, are lining up in front of a shop you never noticed before before today - but one glance through its window shows exactly what they're selling. Jars of colorful spheres and gummies, heart-shaped boxes... it's a sweet shop!

There's also a fountain in the middle of the square, with an old, wrinkled human and a two-headed dragon with dull scales and gray whiskers sitting on the edge and gossiping about the young folk. Near the fountain is the community bulletin board, which is unoccupied.

Padding around the square a few times, you look for the cat - or any sign of the cat - and find nothing. All you find that's anything like a cat is a discarded toy doll in the shape of one. It's too beat up to keep, so you drop it in the trash as you walk by.

Go to the village outskirts
Check out the fountain
Check the bulletin board
Go down to the river
Go in the sweet shop

>>Check out the fountain

You approach the fountain. The pleasant sound of trickling water hums against your ears as you draw near, giving you a feeling of calm even in the overly crowded square. The fountain itself is decorated to look like a drake with huge, branched antlers, flaring its wings out above a circle of statuette pygmies around its feet. The pygmies are 'spitting' water from mouth to mouth in a circle while the drake gushes out watery breath into the pool of water below. You suppose it's supposed to look whimsical, but you can't help but think the spitting pygmies are kind of gross, so you pointedly look down at the water instead. Streams of light spiderweb across the reflective bottom of the fountain. After a moment, you realize it's because the sun is shining down on the many, many coins people threw into the water to make wishes and ask for good fortune.

"Hello, little'un! Ran off from your parents, eh?" It seems the old couple noticed you; the human is giving you a kind smile that's almost all gums. You say hello (your parents taught you to mind your manners) and the pair gasps with delight. "Oho, what a darling little thing you are! Here, hatchling. Why don't you have a sweet?"

The two-headed oldster reaches into a dragon-sized purse, and produces one of those pink-wrapped strawberry candies old people always seem to have. You take it and thank them - candy is candy, after all. They titter and coo over you for a couple more minutes before going back to their gossip.

Glancing around the fountain for the cat, you don't see any sign of it. Both of the oldtimers look at you and smile their gaptoothed smiles, and you make a quick getaway before they can pull you into another conversation that you don't have time for right now.

Go back
Ask about the missing cat

>>Ask about the missing cat

You decide to bear with the oldsters once again to ask about the cat. As you approach, they beam down at you. “Why, hello again! You’re certainly an energetic little thing. You’ve been running around all over town. Trying to find yourself a sweetheart? Ohoho!”

You try not to grimace, instead giving a noncommittal shrug and asking if either of them have seen Sprinkles. One of the heads on the two-headed dragon speaks up, scratching their scaly chin. “Come to think of it, I think I saw something fluffy scurry behind the new sweet shop. Why don’t you check there?”

“Oh, your eyesight’s going,” the other head interjects, sticking their tongue out at their scoffing other half before turning to you, all smiles. “I just know I saw something heading towards the river.”

“Now now, don’t start a fight. Young’n, why don’t you poke around the outskirts of the village? There’s a good chance that little kitty didn’t wander too far from home.” The old human pats the shoulder of the two-headed, who is now bickering amongst themselves, saying things like “My eyesight’s going? You mistook a pile of paper clips for your house keys!” and “At least I’ve still got some good teeth on me!” You tentatively thank them and step back, privately wondering which one has truly seen the cat.


>>Go down to the river

You walk down a path that leads to the river that borders the village. It’s a peaceful place quite unlike the hustle and bustle of the square, though you see a fair number of picnic blankets on the grassy slope near the water, occupied by couples looking to have a nice Valentine’s Day lunch. A lonely wooden pier juts out from the shore. If it was warmer out, you’d probably see a fisherman trying his luck in the rushing waters, but there’s no one there now.

Go back


With a flick of your tail, you decide it’s time to start looking. You try to make as little of a nuisance out of yourself as possible as you walk past the picnic blankets, glancing around for anyone that might be concealing or petting a cat. Nope. You walk down to the river instead, peering under the pier and checking behind the larger rocks. No dice. Briefly, you consider crossing the river and searching there, but the second you touch the water with the tip of your tail you let out a yelp and yank it away. It’s really cold! The cat would have to be crazy to swim across, and you’re starting to suspect that it’s a wily little bugger.

Just when you think your time here has been wasted, you hear the sound of rustling leaves behind you. A quick turn of your head reveals a quivering bush near the base of the pier. Your draconic hunting instincts coax you into a crouch as you cautiously creep towards it. Sprinkles…?

Search bushes

>>Search bushes

You push some of the leaves aside and poke your little snout into the bush. Two beady eyes stare back at you. The furry head resembles a cat’s, with pointed ears and a soft muzzle, but something about that black and white striped body doesn’t look right. And it's stamping its little forepaws agitatedly. It starts to turn around, revealing a broad tail that lifts up -

You scramble back so quickly, it turns some heads as the picnickers give you puzzled looks. That’s no cat! That’s a skunk! Thankfully, since you gave it some room, it decides not to spray you and instead retreats somewhere under the pier. That was a close one. It doesn’t seem like Sprinkles is here.



You walk down a path that leads to the river that borders the village. It’s a peaceful place quite unlike the hustle and bustle of the square, though you see a fair number of picnic blankets on the grassy slope near the water, occupied by couples looking to have a nice Valentine’s Day lunch. A lonely wooden pier juts out from the shore. If it was warmer out, you’d probably see a fisherman trying his luck in the rushing waters, but there’s no one there now.

Go back(回到廣場)

>>Go in the sweet shop

The sweep shop is large, brand new, and positively gleaming with mouthwatering treats and candies. Shelves lined with jars of gummies, statues of hard candy, and boxes of chocolate greet your inquisitive eyes as you look them over, trying not to stop and stare. The sign over the door reads "Sweetheart's Candies" with a carved and painted image of a dragon laying on a chocolate heart.

Squeezing into the shop is somewhat difficult as it's quite crowded. Weaving around humans and dragons alike, your eyes are drawn to what you originally came here for - a stack of heart-shaped boxes just like the one your mom had!

Poking your snout into the sweet shop, you ignore the delicious candies and their wonderful smell to peer around for the cat. Unfortunately, there are no felines present - at least not living ones. You do spot a chocolate cat, but that's beside the point.

Investigate out back
Buy chocolates

>>Investigate out back

You decide to look behind the sweet shop. Carefully avoiding the eye of any of the people waiting in line, you slip into the alleyway between the sweet shop and a neighboring building, then pop out behind both. Aside from the alley itself, which was empty, you don’t see a whole lot of places a cat could hide - save for the trash can. Though come to think of it, you can see it quivering a bit, and the sound of little claws tapping against metal echoes in the enclosed space. Could it be…?

You spot some recycling bins next to the trash can, and you use those as a ladder up to the trash can’s lid. Hooking your claws underneath, you gently shimmy it open…

And out pops a creature with a black bandit’s mask and gray fur, tipping the can over with a CRASH! in its attempt to get away from you. A raccoon. Not a cat. You nervously glance up at the back window. Thankfully, it doesn’t seem like the Sweetling inside heard the noise, but you decide to pick up the mess the raccoon left behind the best you can anyway.

Go back

>>Buy chocolates

You may be dusty and dirty, but you did it. You earned enough gold to buy the chocolates! There's a spring in your step as you bounce along to the sweet shop, bag of coins held in your maw. The sun is shining brightly, and you enjoy its warmth on your scales as you briefly wait outside for the shop to get a little less crowded.

Finally, you are able to hop up and place your foreclaws on the counter, laying the bag of coins before the shopkeeper. Pointing at the heart-shaped box, he hands it to you with a smile. You take it and bounce back towards the door, thoroughly pleased with your success.



Your claws click as you cross the threshold, but you stop dead as you see a flash of familiar scarlet across the village square. Oh no - it's your mother! She must be out shopping, and you can't get caught here. You need to hide, but where?

Hide behind the bulletin board
Hide behind the fountain
Hide behind a passerby

>>Hide behind the bulletin board

Trotting quickly and low to the ground, you duck behind the bulletin board and pull your tail in just in time to avoid a big green-scaled dragon stepping on it. Peeking out from behind the board now and again, you watch the various passersby and smile helplessly when they give you confused glances. Finally, your mother moves on and you heave a big sigh of relief. Time to go home!


>>Hide behind the fountain

As quickly as you can, you scamper towards the fountain. The elderly couple pause in their conversation and watch you with quizzical expressions, even as you squeeze past them to nestle yourself between the Two-Headed dragon and the cool stone of the fountain's side. One of the dragon's heads stares at you while the other gives the square a cursory glance, and suddenly both gain a knowing smile. The pair continue with their conversation as if you aren't there, and you peek around them periodically as they do. Your mother moves on and you heave a big sigh of relief. Time to go home!


>>Hide behind a passerby

Thinking quickly, you spot an Aria dragon laying nearby, chatting with a couple of humans in the shade of a large tree. He's big enough - and bright enough - to hide behind! Darting quickly to the tree, you duck behind him and curl up around your box on the other side of the tree and out of sight. He doesn't seem to notice you, though the smaller human keeps smiling at you and waving. You really wish she'd stop doing that, but it doesn't matter - your mother moves on and you heave a big sigh of relief. Time to go home!


>>Go to the village outskirts

You find yourself on the path between the village and your cavern home. It's a slight slope that takes you out of the trees; a little tiring, but it's not a very long walk. When you walk towards the village, you can see various houses and shops in the distance. Upon getting closer to the village, you spy a couple of cabins resting on the outskirts. One of the cabins has a lush, beautiful yard that shows little signs of the harshness it endured in the winter. It reminds you of your neighbor's. If you squint, you can see several handmade pots resting on its windowsill. The other cabin has a garden you worked on, and it brings a smile of pride to your muzzle. It has a high fence that used to be covered in creeping ivy, and a well-trimmed, tidy lawn.

Glancing between the two houses for the cat, you see nothing. With a sigh, you go to look somewhere else.

You flick your tail happily and readjust the coin pouch you hold firmly in your mouth as you trot down the path. The Lumina and Black dragonesses are both outside, and both smile at you as you pass. "That's a wonderful gift," the black dragon calls, and her neighbor nods across the way. "Whoever you give it to is one lucky duck!"

Search for cat
Go home
Go to the village square

>>Search for cat

You look around the village outskirts, wondering where to start. There are only so many places a cat could be hiding. Some bushes line the road, presumably planted there as decoration. There are some rocks lying off the path. Finally, you think you can hear a strange whistling noise coming from the house with the nice garden. Cats don't whistle... or do they?

Check under rocks
Check in bushes
Check behind house

>>Check under rocks

This cat is proving to be clever, so you need to be even cleverer. A quick walk around the rocks at the side of the path shows no feline hiding behind them, but what about underneath? You pry up one of the smaller rocks with your superior hatchling strength, revealing…

...Nothing. What did you expect, really?


>>Check in bushes

You decide to tear your way through some bushes on your hunt for Sprinkles. Even your scales can’t save you from the merciless pokey branches and tickly leaves, but still you march on, like a lone knight on a crusade.

But you’re not a knight, you’re a hatchling. A hatchling that emerges from the other side of the bush with a leafy mustache and scales full of twigs, but no cat.


>>Check behind house

You walk around the house with the nice garden and jump up and down, trying to see over the fence. Unfortunately, it’s far too tall, so you have to improvise. Starting at the far edge of the fence, you work your way down until you find a hatchling-sized peephole in one of the more worn-looking slabs of wood. You press your eye to it and look around. Trimmed hedges, neat rows of delicate lavender and thyme… There are some very pretty butterflies, too, but no cat. You realize that the whistling sound you heard earlier came from the wind as it blew through the uneven slats of wood on the fence. Rats.



You look around the village outskirts, wondering where to start. There are only so many places a cat could be hiding. Some bushes line the road, presumably planted there as decoration. There are some rocks lying off the path. Finally, you think you can hear a strange whistling noise coming from the house with the nice garden. Cats don't whistle... or do they?

“Oi!” You jump a little and twist your head around. The Black dragoness who lives in the house across from the one you peeped on is gazing at you from above her own fence, a smirk plastered onto her face. “I didn’t take you for a snoop! ...Just kidding. I saw you carrying the flyer. That cat ran away again, did it? Hmm… tell you what. Last I saw it, it was walking towards the woods. You might want to look there.”

Head up the path

>>Head up the path

You walk onto the dirt path leading from your cave into the forest. The thin evergreen leaves above your head cast a heavy shadow that's broken up here and there by playful beams of sunlight that make your scales shine. At one point, the path splits into two, one leading to the village and one leading deeper into the woods. You pause, curling your tail around your legs as you consider. If you had a bit more time, you'd indulge yourself by going deeper into the forest, batting at the light beams with your foreclaws and kicking up the half-decayed fallen leaves on the forest floor, but you're on a bit of a time crunch... right?

Oh no. A group of hatchlings - bullies all - are here, and they're looking for trouble. You often are able to avoid them, but... well, this time you aren't quite so lucky. One of the bigger hatchlings, one nearly of age to grow his wings, laughs as he approaches. He is much, much bigger than you are. You take an uncertain step back, scales raising along your spine involuntarily. "Watcha doin' out here, short stuff?" the large hatchling sneers. "Lost? Maybe we can help ya..."

"I-I'm not lost," you stammer, but it doesn't sound very convincing. Several of the hatchlings snicker and laugh, moving forward to surround you. Crouching low, tail half-curled around yourself, you try to look as brave as possible. It doesn't have quite the same effect as it might if you weren't cowering.

"I bet this one runs faster than that cat in the woods," one of the other hatchlings calls, giving a fang-toothed grin. He's a Magi dragon, crest raised in intimidation. You take in a sharp breath at the mention of the cat but stay silent otherwise. You're really in trouble now!

"I wonder if he climbs trees," the leader laughed, and takes a swipe at you with his claws. You flinch backwards as they miss, but an echoing cackle filters through the air around you just as he gets ready to aim another swing. He pauses, glancing around at the trees, before scowling down at you. Suddenly, a stick swats him right on the rump and he yelps, whirling to snarl at his compatriots. All of whom look absolutely bewildered.

As more high-pitched giggling fills the area, and more assorted objects rain down on the hatchling gang, you take the time to scurry away and well out of sight before you get into any more trouble. At least now you know what happened to the cat! It was chased up a tree in the woods...

You don't want to be here. Your chocolates might get stolen! You quickly trot away before anyone can notice your presence so close to the woods.

Go back home
To the woods
To the village

>>To the woods

The clusters of trees become thicker, with more and more that sport bare spindly branches. As you predicted, it's fun to take in the sights and smells of the forest - you step on a pile of leaves, which gives a satisfying crunch.

You squint around, keeping an eye out for anything that could be a cat while trying to search your memory. Did the bullies ever tell you what kind of tree it was, or how deep they chased Sprinkles into the woods? You don’t think so, but you were so scared at the time, it’s possible that they did and the sound of your heart pounding in your ears blocked them out. If only you had more information. It’s a big forest, and searching for a cat in here is going to be as hard as finding a needle in a--

Wait. What’s that sound you hear? From a distance, it could have been mistaken for the sound of a singing bird, but now that you’re closer it sounds distinctly more... screechy. What was that big word your mom used once? Ah, yes. Caterwauling.

You cup your forepaws to the tip of your snout and shout, “Sprinkles!” The noise dies down for a moment, then resumes louder still. Now determined, you advance more quickly, using your sense of hearing to pin down the location of the sound. It leads you to the base of a tall, sturdy pine tree, where a black cat has its claws dug into the lowest tree branch. You’ve found the cat!

Now to actually get it down… hmm.

Coax the cat down
Turn back

>>Coax the cat down

All that’s left is to get Sprinkles down from the tree.

‘All’ that’s left. Who are you kidding? Everyone knows it usually takes at least three dragons to get a cat out of a tree; one to try to keep it calm, one to actually climb the tree, and one to apply the first aid when the one that tried to keep it calm failed. You’re only one person, and you know you’re too small to carry a thrashing cat and climb the tree at the same time.

“Sprinkles! Come on, Sprinkles!” you encourage, taking on a sugary-sweet tone of voice you sometimes use with Lancelot and extending your forepaws. “You can make it! It’s not such a big jump; cats always land on their feet, right?”

Sprinkles gives you a reproachful glance. She lets out another yowl and holds on even tighter. You let out a groan, looking down and sweeping the forest for something you can use. A big stick to poke her into coming down, perhaps, or a deux ex machina can of tuna?

You see a patch of springy-looking moss at the base of the tree. Hmm.

“Hey, Sprinkles, look,” you coo, crawling up to the moss and taking a deep breath before plunging your claws into it, taking great big clawfuls of the stuff and carrying it underneath the branch. You pat it down and try not to mourn that your claws are going to be stained green for at least a week. “You can land on this! You won’t feel a thing!”

Sprinkles gazes down at you and the moss. Her tail whisks through the air, and you can almost imagine the wheels in that cat’s head turning as she considers. Time for more encouragement. “Yeah, that’s it. Just land on the moss, Sprinkles! Jump! You won’t feel a - *ooof!*”

Sprinkles jumped, alright, barreling right into your chest and knocking the wind right out of your lungs. You collapse in a heap, blinking at the sky in disbelief, then narrowing your eyes at Sprinkles. The she-cat has the audacity to purr, licking her paw. “You couldn’t have done that while I was ready to catch you…?” you mumble, sitting up in a daze. At least you have the cat now? While Sprinkles busies herself with grooming, you pull out the flyer and squint down at the address, then check her collar. The two addresses match...

You suddenly realize you saw that same address at the house with the Lumina dragoness whose garden you ruined earlier. Awkward. Hopefully she’ll still give you the reward money.

Return the cat

>>Return the cat

You bring Sprinkles to the nice-garden house, half leading the cat and half being led by the cat. You give the door a quick, smart knock and wait. It only takes a few seconds for the Lumina that lives there to answer, peering down at you with a curious expression. “Yes? May I help you? I - Sprinkles! Oh my darling, sweet Sprinkles! Come to mommy!”

The cat leaves your side to go rub against her owner’s paws, purring all the way. The Lumina hoists her up and presses her snout to the tip of her nose. “Who’s my precious, sweet little kitty? Who is it?”

You recall the hours of misery that cat put you through. You bite your tongue to stop yourself from saying anything snarky.

After the dragoness is done gushing over her found cat, she looks back at you, eyes shining with gratitude. “Thank you so much, hatchling! She’s very curious, you know, always getting herself into trouble. I hope she wasn’t too much of a hassle to find. Let’s see about that reward, shall we?

She reaches into a pouch at her waist and produces eight shiny gold coins, which she presses into your claws. The money gives you a warm, fuzzy feeling - now you’re even closer to buying that box of chocolates! You thank her almost as profusely as she thanked you before you give Sprinkles a last wave goodbye (she ignores you) and take your leave.


※ 錢夠了就會出現下列台詞:

Running all of those errands was exhausting, but your fistful of gold pieces show the fruits of your labors. You finally have enough to buy that box of chocolates! Quick - to the sweet shop!


※ 錢不夠則會是去下一章:

Sitting outside, you curl your tail around your paws and heave a heavy sigh. Looking up at the sky, you blink away sudden tears as you realize how deep in trouble you're going to be. You feel absolutely terrible - if only you hadn't eaten the chocolates!

What now? Stealing is bad, and you know that. But you don't have any gold to speak of. You need to find a way to make more gold. Somehow. Time is running short, and you need to buy a new chocolate box before your parents get home.

Start next chapter

1. 掏出撲滿的錢
2. 溜鄰居的狗,會觸發鄰居給錢&修花園(因為狗搞壞了);順帶一提,那個修花園的雖然叫得很大聲,但你就算堅持不鳥他不修他花園,他也不會拿你怎麼樣唷>WO☆
3. 撈噴泉裡的錢
4. 看到公佈欄的尋貓啟事後開始找貓


>>Check out the fountain

You approach the fountain. The pleasant sound of trickling water hums against your ears as you draw near, giving you a feeling of calm even in the overly crowded square. The fountain itself is decorated to look like a drake with huge, branched antlers, flaring its wings out above a circle of statuette pygmies around its feet. The pygmies are 'spitting' water from mouth to mouth in a circle while the drake gushes out watery breath into the pool of water below. You suppose it's supposed to look whimsical, but you can't help but think the spitting pygmies are kind of gross, so you pointedly look down at the water instead. Streams of light spiderweb across the reflective bottom of the fountain. After a moment, you realize it's because the sun is shining down on the many, many coins people threw into the water to make wishes and ask for good fortune.

"Hello, little'un! Ran off from your parents, eh?" It seems the old couple noticed you; the human is giving you a kind smile that's almost all gums. You say hello (your parents taught you to mind your manners) and the pair gasps with delight. "Oho, what a darling little thing you are! Here, hatchling. Why don't you have a sweet?"

The two-headed oldster reaches into a dragon-sized purse, and produces one of those pink-wrapped strawberry candies old people always seem to have. You take it and thank them - candy is candy, after all. They titter and coo over you for a couple more minutes before going back to their gossip.

You set your chocolates down for a moment to look up at the grand fountain and its splashing water. Making a face at the pygmies, you instead see that the old couple are still there and they smile and wave at you, gossiping about who your chocolates might be for, what pretty dragon might deserve them. Picking up the box again, you make a quick getaway.

Go back

>>Check the bulletin board

You walk up to the community bulletin board. You have to rear up onto your hind legs, stand on your tippy toes and crane your neck to see everything since it's made for people much bigger than you. There's a calendar someone has been dutifully marking little red X's on to track the passing days and a lot of fliers that look old and weathered. One of them advertises the sweet shop that opened last week - the one you saw everyone lining up for in the square. The spot where the cat flier was is still empty.

You don't need to read all the fliers this time. You have your box of chocolates, and you can't help smiling at the board - it sure saved your scales, didn't it?

Go back
Check bulletin board

>>Check bulletin board

But wait! Upon closer examination, you see a "LOST" flier that looks quite new. You squint at the squiggly, loopy handwriting that adults like to use, and eventually determine that it says:

"LOST: My beloved little kitten, Sprinkles. Last seen chasing butterflies in the garden. REWARD: 10 gold pieces."

Aha! Now that seems worth your while. After a few unsuccessful hops, you manage to grab the top of the flier and pluck it off of the bulletin board. You'll need the printed address for later - after you've caught the cat.

Start searching

>>Go down to the river

You walk down a path that leads to the river that borders the village. It’s a peaceful place quite unlike the hustle and bustle of the square, though you see a fair number of picnic blankets on the grassy slope near the water, occupied by couples looking to have a nice Valentine’s Day lunch. A lonely wooden pier juts out from the shore. If it was warmer out, you’d probably see a fisherman trying his luck in the rushing waters, but there’s no one there now.

Wait, why'd you come here? You have chocolates to deliver! Glancing at the river, you turn around and lope away.

Go back

>>Go in the sweet shop

The sweep shop is large, brand new, and positively gleaming with mouthwatering treats and candies. Shelves lined with jars of gummies, statues of hard candy, and boxes of chocolate greet your inquisitive eyes as you look them over, trying not to stop and stare. The sign over the door reads "Sweetheart's Candies" with a carved and painted image of a dragon laying on a chocolate heart.

Squeezing into the shop is somewhat difficult as it's quite crowded. Weaving around humans and dragons alike, your eyes are drawn to what you originally came here for - a stack of heart-shaped boxes just like the one your mom had!

For a moment, you look around and spot the Sweetling from before staring at you quizzically. You realize you're taking up space in his busy shop after you've bought what you came here to buy, and quickly scurry out of the way.


>>To the woods

You enter the woods. The clusters of trees become thicker, with more and more that sport bare spindly branches. As you predicted, it's fun to take in the sights and smells of the forest - you step on a pile of leaves, which gives a satisfying crunch.

But soon after you step on the leaves, you hear a high-pitched giggling sound coming from deeper within the forest. Uh oh. You remember that time when your parents told you about a trio of mischievous pygmies that love to play pranks on unsuspecting dragons and humans that go too deep into the forest; tossing old fruit that stains their clothes or scales, using simple magic to daze them and make them lose their way... no, you can't afford to get lost! You have things to do! You hunch down and skitter back the way you came. Luckily, you aren't followed, and the pygmies' sinister giggles fade behind you.

Glancing around nervously for both the trio of giggling pygmies and the gang of bullying hatchlings, you quicken your step and go as fast as your little paws can carry you before either try to steal your hard-won chocolates.

Turn back


You find yourself on the path between the village and your cavern home. It's a slight slope that takes you out of the trees; a little tiring, but it's not a very long walk. When you walk towards the village, you can see various houses and shops in the distance. Upon getting closer to the village, you spy a couple of cabins resting on the outskirts. One of the cabins has a lush, beautiful yard that shows little signs of the harshness it endured in the winter. It reminds you of your neighbor's. If you squint, you can see several handmade pots resting on its windowsill. The other cabin has a garden you worked on, and it brings a smile of pride to your muzzle. It has a high fence that used to be covered in creeping ivy, and a well-trimmed, tidy lawn.

You flick your tail happily and readjust the coin pouch you hold firmly in your mouth as you trot down the path. The Lumina and Black dragonesses are both outside, and both smile at you as you pass. "That's a wonderful gift," the black dragon calls, and her neighbor nods across the way. "Whoever you give it to is one lucky duck!"

Go home
Go to the village square

>>Go home

On your way home, you stop briefly to groom yourself of the dust and dirt as much as possible, making sure your scales give off a satisfactory shine before continuing on. You feel somewhat giddy, and can't help but flick every pebble you see along your way with your talons, watching it bounce across the path before you. You pulled it off, and you're proud as heck!

But perhaps you spent a little too much time grooming, or playing with rocks, because just as the mouth of the cave comes into view... a shadow passes over you. A big one. Looking up, you see the wide wings of your father returning home. Oh no! You gotta do something, quick!

Bolt for the cave
Hide in the bushes
Act natural!

>>Bolt for the cave

With great, sweeping wingbeats, your father lands nearby. But his back is turned to you, and even as he folds his enormous wings you realize he's stopped to talk with Magnanimous, greeting the older dragon and wishing him a Happy Valentines' Day. Seeing that he's not looking at you, you pick up your little box and bolt towards the cave.

You make it just in time, skidding across the smooth stone floor in front of the cave. You gotta get inside before he turns around!

Go inside

>>Hide in the bushes

With great, sweeping wingbeats, your father lands nearby. But his back is turned to you, and even as he folds his enormous wings you realize he's stopped to talk with Magnanimous, greeting the older dragon and wishing him a Happy Valentines' Day. Before he can turn and spot you, you pick up your little box and scurry to hide in some bushes nearby. As soon as you're sure he won't turn around, you bolt for the entrance and reach it just in time, claws skidding across the smooth stone.

Go inside

>>Act natural!

With great, sweeping wingbeats, your father lands nearby. But his back is turned to you, and even as he folds his enormous wings you realize he's stopped to talk with Magnanimous, greeting the older dragon and wishing him a Happy Valentines' Day. Lancelot is rolling around in the dirt nearby; you manage to hide the box of candies just before they turn to look at you, and you act like you've been playing with the dog the entire time. As soon as you notice they've turned away, you grab the box and race for the cave. You reach it just in time, claws skidding across the smooth stone.

Go inside

>>Go inside

You enter the main room of your home, where your parents sleep. It's the largest cavern in the cave system, boasting two looming entrances at the cave mouth that make it look like a massive pair of eyes. The sunlight streaming through the entrance draws attention to the glittering mountain of treasure resting in the middle of the cavern. It's horribly impressive, ripe with all sorts of goodies; gold coins, tempting jewels, trinkets, and ancient wooden chests filled with who-knows-what. Maybe it would have been smarter to hide some of the family finances somewhere a little less obvious, like in a basement, or in *your* piggy bank (you certainly wouldn't mind), but your parents have always been traditionalists. If your bed isn't made out of the spoils of your last plunders, if you don't feel precious metals sliding against your scales, are you really dragons?

The empty place atop the pile of treasure where once sat sweets weighs on you ominously.

Place chocolates
Go to your room
Go to the kitchen
Sneak out

>>Place chocolates

Your claws shake a little as you trot over to the pile of gold and place the box on top, trying your best to not let the scales all down your back stand on end. Once it's in place and you make sure it looks just like it did when you... had your moment of weakness this morning, you glance over and sigh as you see nobody has entered the cavern yet.

You'd better go to your room and act as though you belong there. If you sit here staring at the chocolates any longer, you're going to get yourself in trouble again.



You go to your toy chest and pull out a clawful of little wooden figurines, two dragons and a human, and lay down with them on your rug-bed. You're playing Dragons Catch The Bad Guy when you hear the beating of wings and hear talons click on the stone outside, and you glance up just in time to see your mother poke her head in and smile at you. You smile back and flick your tail, and she hums as she turns back around.

"Come on out, dearie," she calls, and you dutifully put your toys away before you follow her outside of your bedroom. You are, after all, such a good hatchling.



Your mother leads you out into the main chamber of the cave, where the stalwart silver-blue mountain that is your father is waiting. When he sees you, he gives you a warm smile and spreads his wings wide. “Aha, there you are, little flame. Come here.”

You run up to him, and he wraps those large wings around you, nuzzling the top of your head between your nubby horns. It tickles, and you giggle, causing him to rumble contentedly. He moves his head back to look at you with wise yellow eyes. “Happy Valentine’s Day. I hope you’ve kept yourself out of trouble while I’ve been gone.”

The laughter stops in your throat. You freeze, wondering if you’ve somehow been caught, but then you see the smirk on your father’s muzzle and hear your mother’s raspy laughter somewhere beyond the wall of wing membrane surrounding you. “Oh stop teasing our child, dear. Why don’t you come look at our hoard? I daresay you might find something that surprises you.”

You breathe out a sigh of relief, giving your father a small head-bump before he releases you from the hug. You retreat back to Mother’s side and sit down, joining her in watching your father nod and make a graceful leap into the air. It only takes him one wing beat that causes a draft of air to wash through the cave before he makes it to the top of the hoard. There’s a moment of silence, then he exclaims, “Oh!”

“Happy Valentine’s Day!” You both chorus. Father sits down and takes your box of chocolates in his claws, examining it with a growing grin on his face. He makes a small cut on the white ribbon holding the box together before opening it and gazing upon his prize. Rows of fancy, mouth-watering chocolates in various shapes greet him. You can smell the delicious aroma from here.

“Why, this is wonderful. They look positively scrumptious. Happy Valentine’s Day to you both, as well!” He plucks a chocolate out of the box and puts it in his mouth, keeping it there to savor the flavor. It’s a while before you actually see him swallow. “Mmm. Delicious indeed. Why don’t you both come up here and share them with me? I’m going to need some help finishing them off.”

Your mother considers, then nods, scooping you up carefully in her foreclaws and flying over to join him. She sets you down between them, and your father places the box of chocolates where all three of you can reach. You can hardly believe your luck, snuggling against the warm hide of both of your parents and helping yourself to one of the caramel creams you already know you love.

Now that you're warm and cozy and happily munching on chocolate, you can think back on your frantic afternoon with a smile. This has turned out to be an excellent Valentine’s Day after all.

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