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Cloudplume Dragons 雲羽龍


This soft egg was carefully nestled in feathers and snow.

Aww...it's a cute baby dragon. It is white and fluffy, and loves company.


Aww...it's a cute baby dragon. It is white and fluffy, and loves company. And look! It has gotten bigger! It must be close to maturing.


Cloudplume Dragons are as warm and friendly as they look. Living in groups of ten to twenty, these dragons make their home in snowy mountains, where their white feathers fit right in with the environment. During their waking hours, they spread out to fly all over the mountains and nearby plains and forests, collecting mana, exploring, and greeting whoever they happen to meet. When they need to rest, they return to the snowy slopes and curl up together. While a single Cloudplume can blast an air breath at attackers to make their escape, a group of Cloudplumes will stick close, feathers puffed up and the large feathers on their backs raised high and quivering, becoming one giant, bristling mass to intimidate the attacker away from their home. Smaller creatures—and some not so small—often get in between the resting dragons for warmth and protection, and the Cloudplumes welcome such guests. During summertime, these dragons fly higher up to the mountaintops where the air stays cool, mingling with the clouds.



● 牠們喜歡玩偶套裝娃娃,幼龍根本就是愛死了這東西。我猜大概就是什麼龍洞套娃娃系列吧?
● 當雲羽龍自身魔力充沛之時,尾巴的長羽和背上兩翼都會隱隱發出虹光,算是自身魔力溢出的象徵。大家或許可以從這張圖窺見一斑?
● 牠們真正的身體部分其實一點也不胖重,因為有厚重的羽毛覆蓋且大氣魔力使牠們能維持一定溫度,所以雲羽龍不需要什麼厚重的體脂肪保護。
● 總是樂意緊緊抱住牠們的友人,應該說,牠們愛抱抱。
● 下面是我想像中的大概體型差,總之這是張所有我畫的已發布龍的體型對照表(請忽略草稿髒髒的部分)



雖然有時候可能會莫名被 blogger丟到垃圾留言區,我都會記得去撈撈的。

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Eggs around the world