what are you talking about?


Pansy 庭園三色堇

Species: Pansy (Viola wittrockiana)

Pansies are viola cultivars. They are mostly used as biennial plants althoug(h) they are perennial, because they become leggy and many people think this is unattractive.The seed pod of the pansy has three chambers where the small, round seeds mature.


※ 庭園三色堇為原種三色堇(Viola tricolor) 和山堇(Viola lutea)、阿爾泰堇(Viola altaica)等多個原種長期雜交育成的品種群。

Pansies are viola cultivars. They are mostly used as biennial plants althoug(h) they are perennial, because they become leggy and many people think this is unattractive.Pansies which seeded in Summer, can already bloom in autumn. If they seeded in autumn they bloom in spring.


Pansies are viola cultivars. They are mostly used as biennial plants althoug they are perennial, because they become leggy and many people think this is unattractive. Pansies are cultured from the wild viola Viola tricolor. Its flower has red, blue and yellow colours, the fundamental colours. So there can be breed the many differnet colour types pansies has.




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